hey guys (:Life begins when you leave your comfort zone
its been a long time since I last updated my blog..sorry to say that I'm pretty lazy to do so. But anyway since I'm having my semester break, I decided to share my thoughts with you guys. I now know that there are a lot more people than I expected read my blog. I created this blog just for fun and out of curiosity.
Anyway, back to main topic here. Life begins when you leave your comfort zone. Interesting isn't it? It never cross my mind before until lately. It sounds absurd at first but when you think about it there is truth in it. I mean really. It is so true. A comfort zone is like a safety cave.
When you step out of your comfort zone you'll see that its a whole different world out there. When I was in secondary school I thought I own the world, thought I knew how people are, what life is all about. Hah yeah right. I was so wrong.
Leaving that comfy zone sucks but you have to. It helps you grow as a person. It teaches you a lot of things. It teaches you how to deal with your own emotions, people, surroundings, difficult situations and a great deal more.
Leaving it also marks the beginning of misery in your life. That is when you realize that hey, life isn't as easy as it used to be when I was 16 or 17. Well that is because when you are 16 or 17 you are still living with your parents and you don't have to think or worry about anything. everything is basically there for you. If there is anything lacking all we did was "Mom we're out of eggs" or "Dad I'm out of shampoo" and before you knew it a dozen eggs or a bottle of shampoo appeared. It's like magic. You don't have to do anything.
I'm not saying that its going to be horrible ALL the time. No. But most of the time. When i first dumped my comfy zone I wasn't thrill. I almost freaked out. But hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and I survived. Hell yeah! And ever since then its been a bittersweet adventure for me. There are times though I have to admit where I was tempted to go back to my comfort zone because life is much more easier when you are in it compared to when you are not.
But then when you look back at what you have accomplished and learned, you realized that its not that bad. Life is never easy. It is full of never ending problems and strings of complicated situation. However, i can tell you that it is worth it.
So smile, relax and take it all in a stride people. Daa~