Thursday, 16 June 2011

Are we there yet?

So, are we there yet?

it is an interesting question to ponder don't you think? ok probably you might get confuse..there?where?well, where ever you want to. given an example say... you want to help others to be a better person by giving them advise. are you there yet? are you a better person today than what you are yesterday?

            we often overlook the smaller details while focusing on the bigger picture. we say to people 'hey, you should do this not that' or 'wear this don't wear that'. problem is, have we look at ourselves and pinpoint our own flaws? rarely isn't it? we seem to forget to consider that other people have feelings too. we don't consider how we approach them and we don't try to look at things using their perspective just as long as the message is delivered.
           funny how we are so focus on changing the others into a so call better person but we never seem to think about changing ourselves into the better person. why is it? i see this happening all around me. is it  because we think that we are good enough? that we are perfect? are we? are we perfect?are we there yet?

            personally i don't think anybody is. and you know what is interesting? that whenever people are in the 'mood' of giving advises, one of the most common, cliche sentence that comes out of their mouth is 'I know I'm not perfect but the advise i'm giving is not just for you but a reminder to me as well'.
           well i'll say cut the crap! stop using the same lines over and over again. it hurts my head and its freaking annoying. if you yourself in the first place know that you're not perfect then correct yourself first. don't stick your nose into other peoples' business trying to make them better when you are not.

            i mean what is their problem? they have this attitude of  like well i know i'm not perfect but i'm gonna advise you anyway.urghh...why don't YOU learn to walk in a straight line first before teaching others..
           seriously, have anybody heard of role model before? well, try to be that before you start giving your words of wisdom. or at least make sure that the adviser acts better than the person receiving the advise.

         when you don't talk the talk and don't walk the walk, hey, people are not going to like you do do a quick checklist on yourself first before thinking about telling other people to change. see whether YOU are perfect before telling others to be one.

         wrapping up, i say try to look at ourselves in the mirror more often so that whenever those 'moods' starts pounding, you'll stop for a sec to think are you there yet?if its a yes then by all means do give out your words of advise to everyone everywhere. but if its a no no then zip your mouth, throw away the keys and don't open it til you are fit to give an advise ok :)

                                                              too bad  this happens quite often.